As a male, with a penis, the topic of size occasionally becomes a conversation thread. This is more likely when you are in a group of naked people, and you can see what other men would normally “hide” behind the textiles they wear. As a sociology student, I find the conversation to be incredibly insightful, as I am reminded (sometimes) how insecure men can be when it comes to their penis.

Anecdotally, most guys think their penis should be bigger because they are “below average” however when you share that the average size of an erect penis is around 5.5 inches, most guys (1) don’t believe you, or (2) relax a little.

In a recent article in USA Today, we learn that a study published February 14 in The World Journal of Men’s Health has shown that over the past 30 years, the average length of the erect penis has grown by 24%, estimated from 4.8 inches to 6 inches! An observation made in the article relates to decreasing sperm and testosterone levels in men, and the belief that this “should” actually lead to penis size shrinking, but the authors note that this is clearly not the case in any of the regions where participants of the various studies reside.

While not discounting the concerns over reductions in men’s sperm or testosterone levels, the upside of this article is that men – on average – are more average than they might believe.

Of course, this doesn’t really stop guys from questioning their “manhood” or comparing themselves to others. As a naturist, I learned many years ago, that every man’s penis is unique to that person (the same is true for women’s breasts, in my opinion). While I have not conducted a study to statistically say this is true, in my experience, I’ve yet to see the exact same penis on two different people (and I’ve socialized with identical twins). “Owning” your penis is sometimes a struggle for men, and Low Penis Self-Esteem is a thing. You can even take a quiz about your penis to learn more about it.

My recommendation is to visit a nude resort, find a nude social gathering, or just get naked solo, and develop comfort with your penis. It can’t hurt, right?

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