Naked Gaming

I’ve been asked by a few friends, why game naked. It’s a valid question, but one I hadn’t really spent a lot of time thinking about. For me, it’s one of the many things that I do while I am naked. I cook, read, doing Internet stuff and play video games – all naked. Yes there the occasional times when people make references to “playing with your joystick”, but for the most part it is simply (?) playing a game of Capture the Flag in Halo 4. The focus is on the game, and for anyone that has spent any time around a person playing a video game (like Halo), the last thing they notice is what you are wearing.

It’s also a fun activity to do with friends when you have games that you can play co-operatively. I’m not great at Xbox point and shoot games, but I have a couple of friends who are amazing, so I find I can learn something new by co-op’ing with them, and they can experience (in some cases) gaming naked.

Try it. You might like it.

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